September 2021 Horoscopes
This month calls into questions of your service to others and the ripple effect of your various relationships, which is to say, who you wake up next to and where you punch the clock might make you look in the mirror differently, and tilt your voice slightly when you ask others for things you might not otherwise. The beginning of the month blurs your ability to identify if the actions you take for your boss are of any consequence, though you know deeply inside that you have greater ambitions for yourself. Highlighted is the tensions between the constraints of your own physical body, and the world you create in your mind — where do you go, when you cannot go anywhere?
The full moon on the 20th surprises you here again, and pulls you in directions that make you wonder — don’t I have other tools in my arsenal? Can I feel a moment of peace, and rely elsewhere, rather than be pulled and pushed in directions where I feel without any control? It is a gift to have time to dissolve into yourself, to turn away and stay within: to find a way to do this, without being caught in a moment that pushes you there, may be the recharge you needed after all.
This month may have felt like every day you are waking up, you are checking your phone, you are brushing your teeth — here you are, in the moments of everyday time, but too you are looking at the person next to you. Mars’ ingress into Libra calms the intensity of your passions, and here you become invested in the world of another/or, others. You may find yourself able to ask others for what you need, and they may come easily — though later comes conditions, or reversals, so it is best to accept with an open hand and to resist closing your fingers around it. All the while, you are following a path of dulled coins left by another just beyond the curtain; do you enjoy the pieces of another you are allowed to hold in your hand? If they could be easily left in pockets, leave them. Longevity may appear to you as others, and your sense of courage returns in others’ acceptance of your actions.
Does Taurus root themselves in with lovers and friends, or is it the careful attention that you give that defines these connections? You open the month with this energy already percolating, finding joy in the stitches of your web of connections, and cutting away places where the threads have run down, wiping the slate clean of any disillusionments. When is the last time you woke up and did not see something beautiful, even if it was not just the sun coming into your room in just the right way? Your success rings in like bells that you have fastidiously tuned, and you share these sounds among your circle.
Walking down a concrete staircase into a space you have not been in a long time, you turn your careful attention towards another; it is your turn to ask them about what they keep down here, and questions linger in your mind, beginning another careful dance of weaving into another. Let the questions be delicious, and the answers sink through you — you will have plenty of time here. It may not feel this way at first: you are called into work, you are offered an opportunity that seems worthwhile, but let it linger before you are quick to accept. Here, you may begin to make cuts as well. Moving back and forth, from your bed to work and growing tired, your lovers and friends call out — where have you been? You’ll have a chance to show them, I’m here, right by your side as I always am, before you are whisked away again.
Sitting up from the bottom of the stairs, an obligation asks you to choose, whereas before you could have said yes to both. And yes, you see up overhead something worthwhile, and does it interrupt your dance? Only for a moment, and the chill thaws off of you while you push bullishly forward; stubbornly, you want both — you will have your feast.
Something new arrives in your home, and here you are, clearing out corners and throwing the old, broken trinkets and worn out clothes away to make room. And you have been so busy, champagne problems, parties to see friends, do not let the dust settle, do not let the spilled beer stick to the floor, emulsify them with all the sprays and bleaches the store has to offer. This fun has been good for you — and will be good for you — if not just to show your home can hold for you next, and to invite that in. This month asks of you: when is the last time you felt freely like a child, without peering into reflection of another’s eye and sizing yourself up against it? Knock over the glass, you have enough to clean it with tomorrow.
Nothing feels better in this moment than the joy of a good flirt, of a side smile and feeling the prickle of eyes catching you as you turn a corner as you start down the street you love the most, the street you will double back on, the street on which you know the perspective of every stranger who has walked down it, perhaps because you are that stranger yourself sometimes.
How do you typically react when somebody catches your eye? You might be tempted now to repaint the same interactions, memories, over and over, until you feel you’ve figured out the mystery and your curiosity is satiated. Do you imagine them in your everyday? It is best to capture the reasons you see beauty in other people in your own brushstrokes and private words and to let them grow more beautiful with time. There is more to unravel for you here, and it is best for you to let it fall out of your hands and follow the thread where it leads.
This month is a story unfolding in a few different chapters: first, a new street for you to walk down, or is it a new coffee shop, or a call from your sibling? It is almost out of the blue, and with it, desire shakes you awake, as if you didn’t realize you had been sleeping. This is a desire that grips, and it follows you each time you walk out your door and into the world. It blurs your calendar, and perhaps work goes out the window or drags you far away from your home — that is not where your mind is, anyways.
The next chapter that unfolds is when you realize that you find that this desire makes you more beautiful to yourself, and not just in catching your own reflection with happiness, but that your memories are stirred. You are remembering parts of yourself with beauty that in the past you could not afford. How do you proceed with your passions when you let your past self behind the wheel? What happens when it all comes to a head, with surprising speed, coming again right out from the blue? It is easy to hide from yourself in these moments, from others, to give in to the stress — but in this chapter, you remember who you are, and this is where your power lies.
In this story, it is first the world around you that knocks and asks who exactly is answering the door. What is it you believe about yourself? And can you allow yourself to see your experiences with beauty? As you leave this story behind, it is the nights at home, the remembering, the negotiations with yourself that continue as you begin the curious act of redefinition.
You are ready to leave behind the hurdles of summer, the running into walls, getting up and rerouting. The beginning of the month brings a new approach to the ways in which you support yourself, new resources that you can look back on your hard work and thank yourself for. Perhaps they sprouted up as a surprise, or you find yourself catching up with your own spending. Take note of this shake up — how is it you react the rearrangement of your own resources? It may feel sometimes that boundaries are blurred between what it is you bring to the table versus what others have laid out before you. Take a keen eye to whatever it is you provide, no matter how small — it is worthwhile if you allow yourself the credit.
The month continues like a small track, circling around and around your neighborhood, a jaunt to go see family, conversations bubbling with neighbors; the world is alive around you like lights on in the houses across the street, remnants of picnics in trash cans and the sounds of car horns. Frustrating at times, and there is even a passive aggression here — you did ask for a bit of a break, after all. You want to stretch outwards and bask in the waning sun of the end of the season, and around the middle of the month brings you that opportunity. Through all the bustle just outside your window, you bring beauty into your home, hanging a picture up onto your wall and letting yourself be seduced by your own presence in these four walls.
You are preparing yourself for more: more realizations of the complex web of your own resources tied up with another’s, and what does this mean that you will never totally extricate yourself from the world of others? Leo never considers a world without another, without a place for your own light to warm someone’s face, but the joy this brings you does not elide its inevitable complexity. Let it be complex, as that is how your roots grow into another’s; for you, stability will be found in these interrelations.
It is a little bit like you have started a new life, fresh on the heels of excitement; there is a conviction to your thinking, a daily foundation towards the poetry of your desires. Now comes the process of settling in, of balancing your checkbook and looking to see where your attention lies. You want to know more, yes you have your poetry, and now you string together words and phrases from new books and new students, but it costs you. This process is an ebb and flow of energy, spending as much as you’re making, your existential cash flowing out of your pocket and into the world around you. There is some benefit here — you improve your new everyday with these exchanges, and the new world you’ve created for yourself starts to come into focus, populated now with yards with roses and a curiosity for what is beyond.
Did your new life come from a bit of daydreaming? Mid-month renders these dreams into cinema, and projected between is what is fully realized and that which remained just a figment of your imagination. There is a revelation regarding a partner, lover, or your own poetic mind and this new information sits hot in your head — you revisit it in your own right, when you do look down to your checkbook. What is the price of love for you? Does it ask you to pay away your fears and insecurities, which do such a great job of keeping you safe? Why does it ask for you to pay in courage?
You will have plenty of time to consider the way you pay out these exchanges, and the end of the month sees the beginning of the process of playing out your fantasy in reverse, in keeping track of each beautiful thing from its opposite angle. What you value, you will see from every side.
For you, this month plays with different definitions of power and hunger, and how you feel being in the driver’s seat. There is a soft power to you at the beginning of the month, knowing what to say and how to speak to others to allow them to emerge from their shell, a soft hand that caresses the faces of those around you, and to receive love in return. This may come as a surprise —a distraction of introspection that comes along like a shock too, and shows you too where you have a blade turned inward, and holds your ego in the details you find to tell yourself a terrible story. How can you disarm yourself against yourself? Can you picture a reality that lets you loose from a story that is untrue? These everyday illusions are illuminated mid-month, and it would be best to disarm the small traps of thought that discourage you than to let them snap wildly all at once.
In doing this, you will know best how to handle the blade once you are given a chance to hold it, full of energy and impatient to begin. And here, your attention falls to your hunger, and you ask yourself, truly, what is it that feeds you? What is it that allows you to feel full, valued, and your pockets full? It is with depth that you plumb this question, eager to bite into a sumptuous feast you have carved with your own skilled hand, discarding time-wasting bones. It is a beautiful table you will present yourself, though you may look up after your inescapable labor and wonder who is around to share it with you. An obligation presents a question of distance between your joy and your ability to feed yourself, and you are challenged to sit in your hunger and wait — just a little longer, I promise — before you can dive in.
It is all worth it, though, and perhaps you have more energy than you’ve felt in awhile, and your words have a charming edge that you thought you had forgotten: this is the hard power of your presence. Is this how you disarm yourself, by giving yourself more power and credit than you have before? To seduce yourself with the same smirks you’ve used on others? At the end, you enjoy fantasizing again; you allow yourself to dream in depth about what it is you truly want.
You had a hint at the beginning of the month of how this is going to go, and yes it does feel like there are so many things, so many people, that you are needling through that it becomes exhausting, and you dream of an escape. You are spending lots of time thinking about precision, timing, making sure each small detail is taken care of for the people around you — but joy calls like a siren, taunting your resolve. It is best to press into this, rather than fight it. Later, you will fully give into this pleasure and let it swallow you — and you should let it, so worried and with your guard up, as if this has ever prevented the world from presenting you with its troubles.
You are blessed by beauty this month, though it feels as though there is another room just beyond where everyone is talking and you can only faintly hear it. This is an exercise in accepting the compliment without having all of the information, to allow in kindness when you feel otherwise defenseless — things will not always hurt you, even if you are not scanning them for weapons. It’s true — it seems you are more interested in preparing yourself for your month to come, and you balance between the strange charm of solitude and accepting the gifts of the world. Will you investigate yourself with the same kindness that others afford you, and allow yourself your own sense power when you do not have control?
There is a promise of stability and longevity, in the nights you escape into yourself. It feels as though you are stepping into yourself, putting down strange roots and doing justice to your inner wisdom. There are moments of escape, but it is the time you spend with yourself that is reverence in the face of doubt, in the face of surrendering control, in tucking away your wiles and instinct — you are moving towards a place of faith in yourself.
Your desk is laid out all nice and neatly; it is an organization based out of consciousness. You want to be ready: ready for the job opportunity, ready to put yourself in the spotlight, for everyone to see you have your shit together even if this means cutting old ties with old jobs and obligations. Something curious about Sagittarius is that despite the urge to go, to move without commitments, there is something that persists, and this time it is a nagging frustration between your literal resources and your vision of yourself in the eyes of those surrounding you. For awhile, you have been tasked with making stones do the job of gold, and there is a worry that when you present yourself to others, all they will see is a horrible paint job. It is time to let this fear go — not because it won’t go away, but because there is no point in fearing it — the others are not looking as closely as you think. In fact, they are liable to see gold, too.
And you’ve been having so much fun, and it has been fun being the life of the party, but the fall asks you to begin to consider the beauty of being alone, to plumb around in the depths of your brain. It is time to consolidate the networks you push yourself out into — and not in a manner of cruelty, but with respect to your own boundaries and ability to actually be there. Don’t worry, you will still be flitting around and you shine as you enter each new room, yes it’s so good to see you too! Allow the conversations to last a little longer — your charm now comes from a place of depth, and an ability to ask questions others will not.
Again, you are ready — you want to be ready, you see a path laid out in front of you that can lead you exactly where it is you want to go. What must become fully realized first is what it is in your home that you need to illuminate, bring to its end, in order to start actually down this path — it is a great time for beautiful solitude, to rid yourself of any excess that clutters and blurs your ability to start forging ahead.
This month speaks to negotiations, of which you have the talent to tease out sensibility and extract what it is that you are due; and negotiations speaks to the role of others in your life, and how you proceed with them. At the beginning of the month, your perspective and spirit in life is renewed by a sense of novelty — you meet someone new, and do they invite you to a world in which you’ve not yet seen? Are you surprised by your something your kid does, a smile spreading across the room?
You have been traveling, if not physically then letting your mind do the work of wandering, and now the office calls you back in. Here, you negotiate between your ambitions, ego, and the pull of your social network. There is a delicate symbiosis between your work and the influence of your peers, them giving hints of where it should go, but going nowhere without your vision of equity. You speak in words they are welcome to hear, but they may ask for obsessions from you — here, your values push this off, and you may be unwilling or unable to settle.
Your attention is called back again to the role you have around your neighborhood after being gone for so long, like an intrusion to the action going on in your work and social circle. Perhaps you’d prefer these demands, ones made from calls of siblings and neighbors, and can you even make time for the new person you’ve met, the new world that seems tempting to explore? You luxuriate in questions of time — it is constantly on your mind, and do you have enough of it? Yes, you always find a way, even if it is just returning to the same routines you knew so well before.
It is good to know you have people to call when shit gets rough, and that there is still mystery abound in the head of another, little flowers in fields that you can pick and take with you as you begin different kind of journey. It has been a good month to explore the greater recesses of your mind, and you have woven beautiful words along the way, taking out philosophies for a stroll and finding yourself in serious corners of dedicated thought. Where it was easy, like floating on a breeze, then becomes a place of more concerted effort, of taking soft words to depth and bringing light to submerged theories.
There is mutual curiosity between your mind and the self in the spotlight, the one that is now taken with a bit of seriousness of love — it is like one informs the other, passing secret notes between the depth that is seen and the allure of shied passions. You find that you are doing sometimes the work of a detective, and this runs up cold against your own serious self-conceptions — you are asked, you are asking, is that what it is I want to be doing? Can I devote like this, when I am already building slowly towards a future of my making? It is your journeys of the mind that are given strength by these convictions you hold about yourself, an engine of will that grinds ceaselessly.
The full moon calls attention to questions of resources and finances, which may seem to push and shock and drain as you question whether the value is coming or going. Maybe during this time, consider yourself a rock against the storm, these fluctuating tides passing over you, submerging you, but you are solid in the sand as the rains pass on.
How does it feel to see yourself through the eyes of another? There was somewhat of a fog here, an exhaustion in maintaining an illusion of yourself, and a drive towards letting the reality play out as it did. The beginning of the month was like renewal of vows, of promises towards service and care as you wrap yourself into an agreement with another, and letting yourself put value into their care, growing trust through agreements of mutual blessing.
As you find yourself wandering through the safeties and securities of another, looking into their accounts and leaving your own gifts, there will be a revisitation — looking over of rules and contracts, ironing out weeds and returning to iron them out all the same at a later date; it is important to feel that this is worthwhile, as this dance extends beyond these weeks’ time. It is nice to feel safe here, as you see yourself as currently out of the limelight, a part of you hidden away creating future plans and parsing through lingering self-doubts. Here, an annoyance, one you want to shake off, between hoping to transform stale standards of others and your future-minded secret stance. Pinch this frustration between your hands: it breaks, it bristles, but it need not affect you.
This partnership feeds you light; a realization, perhaps brought in with trumpeting stress and thrums of anxiety, that you cannot pretend yourself to others. It is too late, you have already been seen by this person sitting across from you, and you move into deep waters that pull your veils with the tides, and you emerge fresh faced, without the armor of secrets.